Monday, March 11, 2013

The GM is coming! HIde your phones

Having the owner or general manager around is worse than having your mother or babysitter looking over your shoulder watching your every move. Every restaurant has different rules and the things servers get in trouble for sometimes sound so silly. But so many things that sound like nothing really change the whole feeling and standard of a dining experience. For example, leaving a straw wrapper on the floor may not sound serious, but if every one dropped one straw wrapper and left it on the floor, the restaurant begins to look messy. Or another example, if a ketchup bottle is not filled before shift, someone is later going to have to go out of there way (usually when busy) to get something that should have been prepped. 

           There are other things that really do not make sense though. Like when the restaurant in full on a Saturday night and you forget an empty glass on a table. It’s like sometimes not even the ones that understand what we go through most, pretend not to know what it’s like. Or maybe they’re just taking out their troubles on us through work. Another one that really gets me is when there is no customers in the restaurant and you already fulfilled your pre-shift side work meaning you have absolutely nothing left to do. You get a little bored, so you take out your phone for 2 minutes and are doomed to the no cell phone/I’m going to write you up/you should have been licking tables clean instead talk. At the end of it all, it’s like any other job where sometimes you love your boss, and other times you don’t… but mostly you don’t. There’s perfect days and days where you can’t seem to do anything to your manager’s expectations. You just have to know when you can get away with what. ;)

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