Wednesday, March 13, 2013

PDA- Save it for the bedroom

Talk about disturbing.  And talk about getting a room. I don’t mind holding hands or an occasional affectionate hug or kiss on the cheek but some people just take it to another level of nasty. I don’t even get why some couples sit on the same side of the booth like they just can’t get enough of each other. I’m all for love, but like I said, sometimes it’s just too much. I always just think about how the have conversations when they are side by side. They basically have to break their neck to look at each other, but then I remember they are probably just making out anyway.
                  It is the absolute worse when you try to go up to a table and they are in the middle of a kissing session. Oh, sorry to interrupt your PDA, I just wanted to bring you your food out to you before it got cold, but I did not want to see you slobbering all over each other. Another weird situation is when people put there legs up on each other and start feeling each other. Just go home please. You will not die if you casually sit across from each other and just enjoy a nice dinner date.
                  The last thing I can think of for this PDA stuff is, how are you making out after eating that hot wing? Or that garlic bread? It just dos not even sound romantic, or cute, or anything at all but gross.  EW. 

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